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Showing posts from August, 2017

Sssssssshhhhhh Listen to the silence....

Can you hear that? Well neither can I, isn't it brilliant. During my supervision today I spoke about how 2 of my clients had individually unintentionally, encouraged me to internally philosophise about the beauty of silence and how it has its place in the therapy room. As an only child I grew up not saying very much to people, I spent my time programming rudimentary computers and thinking while being really shy and introverted. Now however I still have children living at home, 1 of whom is still very young so its not too quiet at home anymore! I still like my own company, time to reflect and bounce ideas around on the inside of my head, I make the most of any time I have to do it. It also reminded me that I had recently watched a television series where famous people are given therapy. I do not however watch it anymore for the 'celebrity' contained within but the therapist. Anytime I can observe another therapist work, I do as for me its a lovely way to see the ...

Joss Whedon, Feminist Icon or just human?

I am a bit on the longer side in the tooth of mature to have been a massive Buffy fan but I did watch it and well always having had a bit of a crush on Anthony Head, why wouldn't I tune in. The show got huge ratings but also some began to consider Joss Whedon as a bit of feminist hero not only because of his portrayal of a strong female lead but kinda just because he said so..... Well, his now ex-wife (couldn't imagine a present one) has gone to town on him, exposing his inappropriate emotional and physical relationships with others throughout their 16 yr marriage. Is a he therefore a bit of douchebag? deffo. How much responsibility do those who were involved with the infidelity take on? They would have known he was married and do you think every single one of them was a budding easily lead naive actress? The casting couch, the expectation that someone trying to get ahead would sleep with someone more powerful than them to gain the advantage over those not willing ...

Losing the baby-weight

While chatting to a friend at the weekend, I was surprised at their shock when I proclaimed that I no longer always felt particularly attractive.  Outwardly I appear confident, competent, mega busy mum and grandma, but I suffer the same body envy of most mums. I have been breastfeeding on and off since 1994 so the boobs aren't where they used to be and my stomach bears the tiger stripes of 5 pregnancies. Of course the person I was talking to was bias and told me not to be so silly. I lost over 30kg after my 9 yr old to enable me to be healthy enough to have another child in my late 30's. Its interesting that although I am heavier following that happy 5th birth I am fitter and stronger thanks to spinning, cycling and doing weights. In heels I'm over 6ft tall with broad shoulders so no being 'petite' for me...ever! But then I realised most of the attention of other mums I know is geared towards losing weight. We are bombarded by images of 5 min post birth skinny b...