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Showing posts from 2016

Maybe Rodin got it wrong

The kiss is a beautiful enchanting sculpture, but did you know they aren't even actually kissing.  The true story is tragic as is most true love stories of course. We have all been there, the first time for me it was a teachers son in the primary school toilets. That first fumbling, where do you put your teeth, banging noses and in some cases glasses when you both go the same direction.  But as we age we forget the importance of 'The Kiss', whether the familiar delicate touch of a faithful lover to the passionate first one on the voyage of discovery.  You can tell so much about a person from the way they kiss (if they do at all), the impersonal double air (i don't want to actually touch you kiss), the lingering sweetness or the shoved against the wall (I'm almost eating you kiss).  Maybe you are a peck, tongues, no tongues, lots of lips or none at all.  Its all in our individual style, like how we wear hair or clothes. Some peoples style we like and s...


What is it with all the letters?! It can be a minefield with all the acronyms and it doesn't look like its gonna get simpler anytime soon.  So lets begin when we had the gay pride movement (it was only legalised in 1967) although people have always been gay but they just did it in secret or got prosecuted for it. Google Alan Turing.  This was to promote equal rights for all genders and sexualities (some would argue we are no where near to that even today).  Lesbian, women (whether genetic or not) who are attracted exclusively to other women (whether genetic or not). Gay used to mean happy and I like to think it still does, being out and proud should be a gay persons right.  Transgender    including people whose gender identity is the opposite of their assigned sex (trans men and trans women) People have always cross dressed, this isn't the same as transgender...confusing eh. Queer had been reclaimed by the community just like othe...

Eroticism in the Shires

  Eroticism is the exploration of feelings and emotions motivated by sex and sexuality. So not sex itself then.... Its easy to get confused and see being erotic as smutty, taboo, kinky or even unacceptable behaviour of someone in a committed relationship.   How many giggle at the word 'penis' and wouldn't know how to appropriately use handcuffs or god forbid a strap on. Well unbeknownst to many and keep it to yourself but people have sex....its kinda how we got here.... But that's where the difference is, being an erotic sexually powerful human is mostly frowned upon when actually its the best way to a mutually fulfilling sex life.   Thens there time, a quick hows your father or the regular in the dark bunk up after the takeaway on a Saturday night. We all have families, children, careers, gym memberships and homes to maintain.   So start the process slowly, sexting isn't just for the Tinder © generation you know.   Are y...

UN Volunteering Week

So through my work with Oxford Friend I volunteered to do a video for the Oxford City Council about why I love volunteering! Weeks of speculation and suspense will finally be over as tomorrow is the beginning of volunteering week..... I haven't seen the video yet I have a feeling I'm not going to like it or how I look or for that matter how i sound either. Videos wil be posted at 10am and 6pm every day this week and I don't find out until tomorrow which slot my video has been given for release. If by the way you fancy a bit of volunteering yourself then try here! Let’s celebrate  #Oxfordvolunteers  for International Volunteer Day  #IVD2016  Give them a hand - consider volunteering!