The kiss is a beautiful enchanting sculpture, but did you know they aren't even actually kissing. The true story is tragic as is most true love stories of course. We have all been there, the first time for me it was a teachers son in the primary school toilets. That first fumbling, where do you put your teeth, banging noses and in some cases glasses when you both go the same direction. But as we age we forget the importance of 'The Kiss', whether the familiar delicate touch of a faithful lover to the passionate first one on the voyage of discovery. You can tell so much about a person from the way they kiss (if they do at all), the impersonal double air (i don't want to actually touch you kiss), the lingering sweetness or the shoved against the wall (I'm almost eating you kiss). Maybe you are a peck, tongues, no tongues, lots of lips or none at all. Its all in our individual style, like how we wear hair or clothes. Some peoples style we like and s...