I'm a bit of a geek, quite a bit of a geek if truth be known. So there I was this afternoon, cooking a roast all while having one ear on the television waiting for what looked like the forgone conclusion of Federer winning to finish. I passed the time talking to fellow geeks and throwing various names into the hat for position of the new Dr. It seemed like an age before they had finished making small talk with who is arguably the best male tennis player ever. And then Sue Baker said the words that made my ears prick up. "Dr Who" The trailer started and I of course recorded it onto my sky+ box for posterity. Ok, so its someone in a hoodie...........can't really tell from the hands, I thought the nails looked slightly male shaped but then the camera flashed up to eyelashes coated in a lick of mascara and the unmistakable face of a female. OMFG its finally a woman. I watched more than once, amazing I thought and well overdue. Then I remembered an hour ...
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