So happy coming out day...
If its happy for you...
and seriously why would there even be a day.
Did the planets align ever soo nicely or some libido based act occur in the cosmos??
Surely the largest question should be do you really have to come out at all, isn't it your business to do whatever you feel fit.
I guess I would like to see some research figures for the proportion of people that come out today compared with any other day of the year.
All day I have seen arguments for and against coming out day and I'm sure there would be a split between readers of this to.
Does it therefore make it wrong to come out another day?
Of course not, do as you please.
But just do what you want to.
Never be forced to do anything.
Over the last few weeks I have been a busy bunny promoting Bi Visibility Day which included standing on a town hall roof waving a flag around, along with an early morning radio interview. (I keep meaning to download this for posterity).
I've talked at a lovely event called Polyday in London, met some fantastic new friends and ended up starting a new Facebook group called Polyamoury BAME UK. If you know anyone this group might help please pass it on.
Then yesterday an event in Witney publicising World Mental Health Day. A talk about Hypno-Psychotherapy and Mental Health of LGBTQIA+ communities.
Needless to say a bit of back to normal client work was much needed today.
Just before I had a client I got a message from a friend saying it was coming out day and it was an excellent opportunity to publicise a charity I am trustee of, given I had been reading less than positive reports about the event as a whole I had to really consider it.
My client was running a bit late so I had time to tweet about the day from my phone, just saying our support charity was available this evening and our contact details. I used a coming out day meme on a rainbow background for effect as photos get more social media engagement than just writing.
My involvement in Bi Visibility Day really hammered home the message about poorer mental health amongst us and could it be because we aren't that visible and even suffer internal discrimination
But the worst part is we come out everyday to new people.
Yes I'm married....Yes I'm still Bi....No I'm not greedy
Why do people assume just because you presently reside inside the consigns of a heteronormative relationship that your Bi-ness fades away and you will end up heterosexual?
Its not like a temporary tattoo...
Bull and Shit would be my answer.
I firmly believe in the fluidity of sexuality but for me wherever I am, whoever I'm with, I am still Bi.
So if someone comes out to you, don't make them come out 365 times this year...
Its bloody boring.
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